Skandinaviska Snapsar 10x0,05L 38,4%
This range includes the ten tastiest short shots and aquavits from Scandinavia. This form of alcohol is as deeply rooted in Scandinavian culture as vodka is in Russia and has therefore always had a firm place in the home bar of this attractive Scandinavian country.
Included are:
2x Brøndums Fadlageret (38%)
2x Skåne Akvavit (38%)
2x Hallands Fläder (38%)
2x Akevitt Spesial (38% from Norway)
2x Spritverket Orangerie (38%, spiced schnapps from Sweden).
10 bottles, 50 ml each
38.4% alc.
Other fine products
€8,25incl. taxes
€18,99incl. taxes
€14,69incl. taxes